
Container Transport and Customs Clearance: Reduce Downtime and Cut Unnecessary Costs

Container Transport: Say Goodbye to Delays

The customs clearance process is a critical and delicate stage for every importer. Extended port stays, complex customs procedures, and associated costs can significantly impact a company’s import budget.

Once a container arrives at the port, the clock starts ticking. Each day of idle time generates significant expenses: from storage fees to demurrage charges and even possible penalties. These extra costs can quickly erode your profit margins—especially for importers managing multiple containers each month, annual losses can amount to thousands of euros.

At LDE, we have perfected a process that minimizes these issues by managing the entire workflow in a fast and integrated way. Our immediate transfer system eliminates these costs at the source, ensuring constant and measurable savings.

Container at port during loading and unloading operations.
Container at port during loading and unloading operations.

Sea Freight Made Simple

Our approach includes constant monitoring of your shipment from departure. We track every step of the sea transport process using an advanced tracking system that allows us to know the exact real-time location of your cargo.

By the time the container reaches the port, all the necessary documentation is already prepared, and every phase of the transfer is pre-planned. This precise coordination prevents unnecessary delays by transferring containers directly to our depots using our dedicated fleet.

Customs Procedures: Speed is Our Priority

At our deposits, a team of professionals handles every required procedure. Thanks to our in-house customs brokers, we can manage all paperwork in real time and quickly resolve any potential issues. This allows us to handle even the most complex cases—whether perishable goods or products subject to specific restrictions.
We prepare the documentation in advance and complete customs clearance with your goods already safely stored in our warehouses—eliminating waiting times and reducing the risk of bureaucratic errors or delays.

A team of customs brokers managing import documentation for container shipments.
A team of customs brokers managing import documentation for container shipments.

Customs Consulting to Boost Your Business

Our service goes beyond just customs clearance. We offer comprehensive consulting that covers every aspect of the import process: from initial planning and documentation management to coordinating with authorities and optimizing delivery times.
Our experts can anticipate and prevent potential problems, always recommending the most efficient solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Customs Warehouse: A Strategic Asset for Your Growth

One of the greatest benefits of our certified customs warehouse is the flexibility it offers in goods management. Your goods can be stored in our warehouse before being released to the market—bringing significant advantages to your operational flow and helping you maintain better control over your company’s cash flow.

Calculate Your Savings on International Shipments

Imagine drastically reducing port storage fees and optimizing every aspect of customs clearance—with LDE, this is possible. If your company regularly imports goods, we can help you achieve considerable savings while enjoying greater predictability in delivery times.

We’re ready to show you how much you could save by relying on our expertise: contact us for a personalized evaluation of your case.

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