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LDE, Logistica Distribuzione Europea

Your Go-To Partner for Logistics & Transport

LDE, Logistica Distribuzione Europea

Your Go-To Partner for Logistics & Transport

LDE, Logistica Distribuzione Europea

Your Go-To Partner for Logistics & Transport

LDE, Logistica Distribuzione Europea

Your Go-To Partner for Logistics & Transport


Tailor-Made Solutions to
Support Your Supply Chain


Tailor-Made Solutions to
Support Your Supply Chain


Tailor-Made Solutions to
Support Your Supply Chain


Tailor-Made Solutions
to Support Your Supply Chain

Integrated Logistics

Services designed to maximize the efficiency
of your business.

Integrated Logistics

Services designed to maximize the efficiency of your business.

Integrated Logistics

Services designed to maximize the efficiency of your business.

Integrated Logistics

Services designed to maximize the efficiency of your business.
Operatrice Logistica Distribuzione Europea con in mano dispositivo di picking

Shipping & Transport

Safe and fast delivery within and outside
the confines of national territory.

 Shipping & Transport

Safe and fast delivery within and outside the confines of national territory.

 Shipping & Transport

Safe and fast delivery within and outside the confines of national territory.

 Shipping & Transport

Safe and fast delivery within and outside the confines of national territory.

E-commerce Logistics

A reliable support to grow your online sales activities.

E-commerce Logistics

A reliable support to grow your online sales activities.

E-commerce Logistics

A reliable support to grow your online sales activities.

E-commerce Logistics

A reliable support to grow your online sales activities.
Scatoloni di varie misure in movimento su un rullo trasportatore nella sede di LDE Logistica Distribuzione Europea a Bergamo, con scaffali sfocati sullo sfondo

Logistics for All Needs, for Over25 Years

Since 1997, with our warehouses in the areas of Bergamo, Milan, and Monza-Brianza (Italy), we have been providing cutting-edge logistic solutions. Our customized and flexible services are designed to support the growth and evolution of your business, while the reliable and efficient technologies used ensure optimized processes and contained costs.

Logistics for All Needs, for Over 25 Years

Since 1997, with our warehouses in the areas of Bergamo, Milan, and Monza-Brianza (Italy), we have been providing cutting-edge logistic solutions. Our customized and flexible services are designed to support the growth and evolution of your business, while the reliable and efficient technologies used ensure optimized processes and contained costs.

Logistics for All Needs, for Over 25 Years

Since 1997, with our warehouses in the areas of Bergamo, Milan, and Monza-Brianza (Italy), we have been providing cutting-edge logistic solutions. Our customized and flexible services are designed to support the growth and evolution of your business, while the reliable and efficient technologies used ensure optimized processes and contained costs.

Logistics for All Needs, for Over 25 Years

Since 1997, with our warehouses in the areas of Bergamo, Milan, and Monza-Brianza (Italy), we have been providing cutting-edge logistic solutions. Our customized and flexible services are designed to support the growth and evolution of your business, while the reliable and efficient technologies used ensure optimized processes and contained costs.

Picture of LDE Operator wearing orange high-visibility jacket
Foto di operatore con pettorina LDE ritratto in un magazzino logistico


Some Successful Examples

But no matter which your Industry might be, we provide you with warehouses
and our specific expertise to serve you at our best.

The Sectors we operate in

Some Successful Examples

But no matter which your sector might be, we provide you with warehouses and our specific expertise to serve you at our best.

The Sectors we operate in

Some Successful Examples

But no matter which your sector might be, we provide you with warehouses and our specific expertise to serve you at our best.

The Sectors we operate in

Some Successful Examples

But no matter which your sector might be, we provide you with warehouses and our specific expertise to serve you at our best.
Dettaglio di un computer portatile di ultima generazione rappresentante il Settore Logistico Hi-Tech


Foto di alta qualità di cibo confezionato rappresentante il Settore Logistico Food


Dettaglio di prodotti per la cosmetica rappresentante il Settore Logistico Cosmetics


Certified with
High-Quality Standards

We have obtained the ISO 9001 and HACCP Certifications to ensure the highest quality and safety in the logistics services we provide.

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Mandateci una richiesta a vi risponderemo in tempi brevi.
Loghi delle Certificazioni ISO 9001:2015 e HACCP ottenute da LDE

Let's Get in Touch

Interested in a quote or a partnership?
Send us a request: we'll get back to you
in no time!

Let's Get in Touch

Interested in a quote or a partnership?
Send us a request: we'll get back to you
in no time!

Let's Get in Touch

Interested in a quote or a partnership?
Send us a request: we'll get back to you
in no time!

Let's Get in Touch

Interested in a quote or a partnership? Send us a request: we'll get back to you in no time!

Foto di giovane agente commerciale - Logistica Distribuzione Europea (LDE)Contattaci per discutere un preventivo per una Soluzione Logistica!